
Welcome to the Peach Payments Partner API documentation hub.

The Peach Payments Partner API enables payment service providers to integrate into Peach Payments' service and become a payment provider on the Peach Platform.


Unlike Peach Payments' other APIs that are aimed at merchants, the Partner API is aimed at payment service provider partners.

⭐️ Quick start

Quickly get set up and start making
calls to the Partner API.

Quick start
📝 API playground

Detailed reference to all the Partner API endpoints and mock calls.

API reference
📒 Recipes

Easy-to-use recipes that provide a detailed walkthrough on how to integrate into the Partner API.

🚀 Mock payment service provider

Go through our Mock payment service provider repository to visualize a complete project and help you set up your integration.

Sample project



If you run into any issues or have any questions, our team of application engineers are highly skilled and would be happy to assist:
ℹ️: https://support.peachpayments.com/support/home
📧: [email protected]