Welcome to the Peach Payments Partner API documentation hub.
The Peach Payments Partner API enables payment service providers to integrate into Peach Payments' service and become a payment provider on the Peach Platform.
Unlike Peach Payments' other APIs that are aimed at merchants, the Partner API is aimed at payment service provider partners.
⭐️ Quick start Quickly get set up and start making calls to the Partner API. Quick start | 📝 API playground Detailed reference to all the Partner API endpoints and mock calls. API reference |
📒 Recipes Easy-to-use recipes that provide a detailed walkthrough on how to integrate into the Partner API. Recipes | 🚀 Mock payment service provider Go through our Mock payment service provider repository to visualize a complete project and help you set up your integration. Sample project |
If you run into any issues or have any questions, our team of application engineers are highly skilled and would be happy to assist:
ℹ️: https://support.peachpayments.com/support/home
📧: [email protected]
Updated over 2 years ago